EmojiSwap is the global emoji trading market. Trade rare emojis, play games, and build your collection. Heres how it works:
1. Spin to mint your collection of 5 emojis. Can you score a legendary?
2. Plug your collection into the arcade. Play games, climb the leaderboards, and earn EmojiCoin!
3. Trade up to get the emojis you love. Swap with friends or submit offers directly to the market, for anyone to accept.
4. Earn secret trophies by collecting, trading, and playing.
On EmojiSwap, you dont just own emojis – you own unique, authentic, digital assets certified by our exchange. Each items transaction history can be traced all the way back to its mint date, and all swaps are publicly recorded on our global ledger. We are continuing to open up new ways for users and developers to access our rich exchange data.
Were building the future of the emoji economy, a place where you can play, trade, chat and collect. If youre going to trade unicode assets, theres no better place than EmojiSwap.